Why I’m Running Through (And Continue to Run Through) Covid-19

When stressful times arise we try to keep ourselves on a regular routine so that things do not feel as dire as they outwardly seem to be. For runners it means that we continue to run. Due to Covid-19, we are currently living in very tough time and throughout this time runners have been split on how to approach their running routines. Half of the running community seemed to pull back on their running in the beginning due to quarantine restrictions on being outside or fear of catching Covid while the other half have seemed to dive right into their training like never before. Personally, I was with the latter half. Even still, I’m taking my safety and the safety of those around me very serious.

I’ve seen many people ask runners why we are still running if all of our races have been canceled. What are we working towards? What are we trying to prove? The very simple answer is that sometimes running isn’t about the race. Running is so much more than that to so many runners. However, I know that I cannot speak for all runners out there so I’ll speak for myself.

I’ll admit that it’s hard to see all of my races get canceled. At the moment, I have had seven races canceled with the possibility of more to come. In light of this, I have turned to virtual races. Virtual races are something that I have been running for the past year so I did not start running them because of Covid-19. I actually enjoy virtual races. (For those that may be unaware, a virtual race is a race that you can run anywhere on your own at any time within a certain time window.) Some of the virtual races that I have been running were virtual counterparts to physical races that were canceled like the NYC Half Marathon or the Marine Corp 17.75K. Other races are purely virtual like the runDisney Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon. Signing up for these races not only allows me to keep my goals going but gives me something to work towards. (I have an upcoming article all about virtual races.)

In terms of what is really getting me out there to run during the time of isolation, it came down to one thing; my sanity. Running is keeping me going. As a teacher I am now teaching through video conferences from home. I have several classes that I am teaching, newly set up “office/extra help hours”, district video meetings, and lots of emails to answer where I am sitting in the same spot all day. On top of that, I do not go out to the stores unless it is very important which hasn’t been very much. So to help stop the spread of this virus, I am home all day long. Getting out for my runs allows me to exercise, stretch out muscles that have not been as active as they are on a normal work day, and clear my head of troubles that have been weighing on me.

Of course getting out to exercise is paramount but the last point is key for me. Running has always helped my mental health but it has been a great tool through this period of isolation. It may not be able to solve everything that I am feeling or going through but it definitely helps. Being outside and getting fresh air as I work through my thoughts and power through a great song has become a great outlet for me since I started running and it has become a vital tool for me.

Even though I am out there running I am still practicing social distancing. At the moment I do not wear a mask on my runs (but I do if I go to the store). I do not come across many people on my runs (if any) and when I see someone down the road I always cross the street well in advance to stay away from them for both of our sakes. I always run on my own so there is no worry about me running in groups. If there comes a time where my area becomes much more crowded then I will of course wear a mask on my runs and follow safety protocols. Until then I feel safe with my current practices.

To all the runners out there who are also maintaining their running schedules outdoors, please stay safe and run smart. We are not clear of Covid-19 just yet but our safety measures are doing a great job at getting us there.

Safe running everybody!

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